Fraud and Compliance

Webinar On Demand: Fraud Risk & Compliance - Why Early Detection is Your Strongest Weapon

SAP Concur Team |

Tune into our on-demand webinar on Fraud, Risk & Compliance and why prevention and early detection is your strongest weapon against increasingly sophisticated financial crime. The webinar features fraud experts Andy Rae (VP Sales SMB - A/NZ, SAP Concur) & Hamish Tebbutt (VP Sales SMB - A/NZ, SAP Concur) who will provide insights on the latest trends and areas of organisational risk.

Over the past few decades, it’s well known that major companies across the world and locally have experienced financial fraud resulting in capital markets turmoil, impacting the trust level of the organisation's brand, shareholder loss of value, and in some cases even company bankruptcy.

Without a robust corporate culture, clear visibility into financial transactions and targeted policies governing employee spend, detecting and preventing fraud can be almost impossible.

In this webinar, we’ll share how organisations can combat this seemingly impossible task and how you can leverage the most advanced technology and skilled people to analyse supplier invoices, expenses, receipts, credit card transactions and travel bookings to mitigate risk while building a preventative mindset.

Webinar on demand: Increase fraud detection, not risk

Did you know there's an 80% increased risk of fraud during economic downturns?

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