Managing your spending has never been more important or more difficult And if your processes and policies arent adapting to new working models youre probably seeing even less of your...
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Australian public sector agencies are under significant pressure to manage the current COVID crisis while maintaining services containing costs and driving the nations economic recov...
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As much of the world is still working from the kitchen counter COVID restrictions and thus travel restrictions are starting to loosen in some regions But just because it may be safer...
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In everything was up in the air except for travellers But after months of can we cant we with COVID global business travellers may see the light at the end of the runway Especially ...
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Mastercard has partnered with SAP Concur to deliver a faster and more efficient expense and invoice management process to banks companies and government agencies in Asia Pacific for ...
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Travel restrictions related to COVID vary greatly and constantly change meaning the decision to traveland the process of travellingisnt as straightforward as it used to be Thankfully...
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Companies around the world are looking for ways to move business forward in Consider this statistic from a September report by Aberdeen Research

of companies worldwide have shown...
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Whether business is booming or times are tough the current landscape is defined by uncertainty
As any finance leader will tell you containing costs and controlling cash flow are crit...
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has been an exceptionally volatile year for business
The COVID pandemic has shaken global economies in ways we have not seen for nearly a century Some businesses have prospered whil...
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Control Company Costs
This past year has taught us that businesses with fewer than employees must be prepared for anything Whether you are surviving or thriving having tight control over budgets and cash...
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