As companies of all sizes prepare for the coming economic recovery controlling spend and optimising cash flow can help them be more resilient But the key to controlling spend and opt...
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As a finance leader youve got a ton on your plate and beyond shined a spotlight on many challenges with an urgency for many businesses to improve how they runimmediately
In this new...
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Control Company Costs
In  May Oxford Economics and the SAP Concur organisation surveyed more than senior business leaders spanning seven countries about their economic recovery strategies Respondents re...
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If change wasnt an issue and disruption didnt exist you wouldnt have to worry about much You wouldnt have to wonder what was going to happen next and you could just run your business...
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After the last year or so every question is a valid question Should we bunker down Should we stick with status quo Should we stretch our legs a little
Its pretty clear that of these ...
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Examining the positive role of change in an organisations outlook
Think of the last mistake you made Maybe it was this morning or maybe it was last week Either way when you own up to...
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Business Continuity
It is with cautious optimism that we look forward to living and working in a postpandemic world  If weve learned anything over the past months its that staying flexible and resilie...
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Small and mediumsized suppliers to Australian federal government agencies will soon get cashflow back faster than current invoicing processes because of the July deadline for all fe...
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Before COVID employee discretionary spend was often the second largest operating expense after wages for many organisations
That spending declined dramatically last year as lockdowns...
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The COVID pandemic turned the world of business upside down  
Whether your company experienced a boom in demand or you found yourself struggling to keep the lights on the way we work...
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