We are living in unprecedented times Many of us are working from home travel is suspended and everyones top priority is the health and safety of colleagues and customers Finance lead...
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Answering the Morrison governments call to action for new policy ideas to help Australia out of the economic crisis SAP has released a Public Policy Paper laying out new ways technol...
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As the economy stalls and buying behaviour and priorities change business leaders are looking to conserve costs With many companies instituting remote work its more important than ev...
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During times of unprecedented uncertainty small and midsize companies tend to feel the effects of it harder in part because they have less cash on hand to weather disruption When bu...
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No matter the economic climate invoice management is a key business function But given the current uncertainty about what lies ahead it is critical that you continue to buy the mater...
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For years enterprises have been focusing on improving the customer experience  and theyve moved the needle in significant ways Investments in personalisation and even hyperpersonalis...
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Control Company Costs
As the finance leader of a small or midsize business SMB whats keeping you awake at night right now Chances are you have much more on your plate these days  weighty stuff such as   ...
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Hope for the best prepare for the worst Wise words for living your life and for running your business Sudden changes good and bad can greatly impact demand for your products and se...
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Its no surprise that a productive employee is an engaged employee and an engaged employee is good for your business Every manager and executive intuitively knows this But few have th...
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Exploring the business impact of the employee experience  
Think about your very first job Were you happy Did you love it Did you want to do it for the rest of your life Well if your...
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