AP automation: tools to get started

Looking to begin your invoice automation journey? Let us be your guide.

AP automation tools and support

Whether you’re looking for more information on how AP automation works, the return on investment for your business, or what to look for when evaluating invoice software providers, we’ve got you covered with our free resources below.

Supplier invoice policy template

View tips for creating or updating your invoice policy with a free template.

Download template

6 strategies for finance resiliency

See 6 strategic steps for future proof your business for whatever lies ahead.

Read whitepaper

Why now is the time to automate?

See how automation supports business agility and becomes a strategic priority

Download eBook

AP automation buyer’s guide

Get a comprehensive overview of what to look for when choosing invoice software.

See guide

Checklist of key finance capabilities

To help move your business forward, assess your own company's resilience.

Download checklist

10 Benefits of Concur Invoice

Take a quick look at the key benefits of AP automation with Concur Invoice.

Get brochure

What does AP automation look like?

Take a short virtual tour of Concur Invoice

Capture, process and pay a sample supplier invoice from start to finish with Concur Invoice in this interactive experience.

It takes just a few minutes and no setup is required.

Try self-guided demo

Why our customers love Concur Invoice

Company Logo

Using Concur Invoice has cut invoice processing time in half. Instead of 12 minutes of touchpoints, the automated solution means that each invoice now requires just over six minutes of touchpoints, which we consider to be an exceptional result. The savings this has delivered across hundreds of invoices per month has meant our investment in Concur Invoice has really paid off. The feedback from the team has also been very positive.”

Brendan Tanner
Head of Finance

Use our ROI calculator to see how much your company can save with Concur Invoice*

How many employees at your company work within accounts payable (AP)?


# employees

Typical number of supplier invoices filed per month



For a customised ROI report, please visit our ROI calculator

Calculate your ROI

* The information provided via this tool is for discussion, planning, or informational purposes only and are not binding on either you or SAP Concur. SAP Concur pricing is subject to change anytime without notice.

Contact us to speak to a Concur Invoice specialist

Please complete the form or call +61 2 9935 4672 in Australia and +64 9 355 5863 in New Zealand to discuss how we can tailor our solution to your business needs.

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