SAP Concur solutions for the Federal Government

Intuitive, fully integrated spend management solutions that safely meet the needs of today with an eye on tomorrow.

Serving Federal Government Agencies

Federal building

SAP Concur allows federal government agencies to see and manage employee- initiated spend. The SAP Concur solution is cloud-based and allows the flexibility to manage and track travel, expenses and invoices on a single Concur platform.

With complete visibility into transactions, SAP Concur solutions allow your agency to:

  • Gain transparency and be ready for audits
  • Spot and enforce regulatory compliance issues
  • Integrate travel spend with other data to analyse transactions
  • Capture every travel and expense transaction, no matter where it’s initiated
  • Build a future spend management path with confidence

Maximising Government Spend

Transforming travel & expense employee spend management with AI

Woman working on tablet

Public trust is a precious commodity. Taking proactive steps to improve financial compliance and control is not just a best practice – it’s an imperative. AI-powered automated spend management tools offer a path forward for governments to navigate the complexities of modern finance ethically and transparently. SAP Concur automated travel, invoice and expense (T&E) management solutions powered by AI are more adaptable than custom, legacy solutions of old and designed to meet the needs of a mobile, digital world.

Unlock Efficiency

SAP Concur brings commercial functionality and scalability to government regulation

Time lapse blur of people walking along stairs

SAP Concur solutions for Federal Government are built to be easy to use with a modern, intuitive design, while still meeting stringent security and regulatory needs.

  • Replace piecemealed systems, processes, and data discrepancies
  • Eliminate the need for costly, in-house maintenance
  • Enable real-time monitoring and tracking capabilities

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Lift the burden of policy interpretation

Woman working on computer

Stringent spend management is critical for Federal Government agencies. An automated process with inbuilt checks and balances based on your policies means it’s easier than ever to control spend and ensure compliance. Users don’t have to worry about memorising pages of complex policy documents before submitting their travel and expense claims. Enforcement happens behind the scenes in the system, automatically and enhanced by AI.

Managing Compliance

Learn more about spend management solutions for federal government 

Mobile receipt

Concur Expense 

Integrating your expense data means that your agency can manage spending anywhere, anytime.
Concur Travel

Concur Travel 

Simplify the travel experience, increase compliance, and control your agency’s costs — all in one place.
mobile approval pictogram


Take receipt images with SAP Concur mobile app and relieve the burden of managing paper receipts   .
Audit pictogram

Concur Detect 

Let AI and machine learning analyse expense reports, speed up auditing, and resolve noncompliance issues. 
Car pictogram


Take  control of  driving expenses with automatic distance capture, documentation, and reimbursement. 
Invoice pictogram

Concur Invoice

Automate accounts payable to streamline processes, eliminate manual tasks, and increase visibility into spending.

Contact us to learn more about SAP Concur solutions

Please complete the form or call +61 2 9935 4672 in Australia and +64 9 355 5863 in New Zealand to discuss how we can tailor our solution to your business needs.

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