ExpenseIt Pro

Turn receipts into reports—in a snap.

Snap. Export. Done.

Expense reports just got even easier. Now, travelers can take a picture of each receipt, hit “export,” and ExpenseIt Pro automatically creates, itemizes and categorizes the expense entries. The report is well on its way to being complete, the data is photo-accurate, and paper receipts become a thing of the past.

Just a few clicks to get started—and finished.

Expense reports can literally be started while travelers are on the road—and, because the information is automatically populated in Concur Expense (with photos of the receipts attached), a quick review is possible … which means the report is finished, right then and there.

Minimal manual entry means no worries about errors or lost receipts.

Since it’s all automated, and every line item is linked to a photo of the receipt, the data is always spot-on and always there. ExpenseIt Pro captures, categorizes and keeps the data. It can even itemize complex receipts like hotel bills. All of this speeds up approvals and virtually eliminates mistakes.

This month’s spend comes in before month’s end.

With ExpenseIt Pro, expense reports get finished on the fly and on time, giving companies a real-time picture of their T&E spend. Also, out-of-policy spend shows up sooner, which helps control cost and compliance issues, so no one has to wait until next month see what was spent last month.

So say goodbye to expense-report hassle.

It’s easy with ExpenseIt Pro.