Manage employee spending with confidence

Invest in and extend your SAP Concur solutions and be ready for whatever the market throws at you.

Manage uncertainty and navigate the complexities of financial leadership with SAP Concur

team collaborating

Businesses rarely operate from a place of certainty. This has led to an increased role for CFOs whose analytical skills and insights are even more valuable for planning and growth. Read the report and learn how greater responsibility for managing risk in times of economic turmoil is impacting the CFO’s role.

Get the report

Is your organisation’s T&E program as good as it can be?

team collaborating around a table

Benchmarking is a great way to understand performance and prepare for the future. Whether you’re new to SAP Concur or a long-time customer, this report can help you see how your travel and expense program compares to other companies, as well as tips for meeting, or even exceed, T&E goals.

Read the report Why SAP Concur?

Prepare your finance team for anything

business woman looking outside

Uncertainty and unexpected change are the norm for financial leaders today. Read the eBook and learn four simple ways SAP Concur can help you tackle operational performance, then download the infographic to see a real-world story of how SAP Concur solutions are helping a finance manager.

Read the eBook Get the infographic

Here are a few ways SAP Concur can help

Coins stacked

Control costs

Connect spending data and processes for to better manage costs and make smarter decisions faster.

Get more visibility

Analyse and manage funds with customized reports, dashboards, and an integrated view on spend.
Arrows pointing up

Increase productivity

Simplify and speed up processes to make life easier for everyone in your organisation.

See how top companies take advantage of SAP Concur solutions

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