Road to effective GST compliance in New Zealand

GST compliance in New Zealand

This eBook aims to provide taxpayers with an understanding of New Zealand's GST regime and Inland Revenue's focus areas.

By providing an overview of the approach and expectations, taxpayers can gain an understanding of the areas that require particular attention to maintain effective GST compliance.

Download the eBook to learn more about:

  • New Zealand's GST regime including the Basic Compliance Package (BCP) and Section 46 requests
  • Inland Revenue key GST risk areas: supplies, acquisitions, financial supplies, property
  • Recommendations for GST compliance best practices
    • Tax Governance Policy
    • Tax Control Framework
    • GST Health checks
    • GST reconciliation
    • GST return process
  • Considerations for capturing GST recovery and minimising risks
    • Core requirements for GST recovery (with quick checklist)
    • Controls for GST recovery
  • Recent developments
    • taxable supply information
    • supply correction information
    • key GST taxable supply information changes
    • special GST rules