With the short turnaround time to prepare the fringe benefits tax returns, it’s critical businesses have appropriate policies in place and ensure they accurately capture, code and consider fringe benefits within their fringe benefits
tax return.
While preparing the fringe benefits tax (FBT) return, businesses are juggling preparing for quarter and year end reporting, both at an employee and an employer level. This is especially challenging for tax, payroll, finance and human resources teams who have to manage these obligations all while undertaking business as usual activities.
Depending on the effectiveness of policies and processes already in place to capture and code expenses, and collate all required data for the return, the time taken to complete the FBT return all while maintaining regulatory compliance, may impact on the amount of tax payable by a business.
Despite the challenges of the FBT regime in Australia, there are a number of simple measures businesses can do to set themselves up for a successful FBT return. Download our ebook today to guide you on: