CFO Insights Report: Strategic Actions for Growth

cfo insights growth actions

In last year’s report, we explored how finance leaders were repositioning for growth after the economic downturn. This year, CFOs are taking the lead in driving growth within their organisations. 

While the majority of CFOs feel a strong responsibility to foster growth amid challenges, only 9% think growth leadership should be shared across the C-suite. However, our data suggests that CFOs have an opportunity to enhance their influence further through collaboration.  

CFOs are prioritising cost optimisation and efficiency as the top goal for fueling expansion. Notably, fifty-eight percent are leveraging automation and AI to drive performance. As AI continues to gain popularity, finance leaders are increasingly aware of opportunities to automate and optimise processes, making this a key focus for 2025.  

Cyber security is another major priority for CFOs to invest in; fifty-nine percent of finance leaders plan to increase their cyber security budget to respond to growing threats. However, only 20% plan to enhance collaboration with the IT department to drive this forward.  

Despite recent deregulation in the US, ESG has evolved from being seen as a major challenge to growth opportunities for finance leaders globally. This year, forty-eight percent of finance leaders are focusing on sustainability and ESG to drive growth.  

Download the full report to uncover comprehensive findings and actionable strategies that can help your company break through the challenges and seize the opportunities of 2025.