Connect to TripIt, the world’s highest-rated travel-organizing app, to access every trip in one place. Plus, TripIt Pro helps you stay one step ahead, from planning to landing.
Whether it’s a week-long conference or a weekend away, TripIt will create a comprehensive itinerary for every trip. As soon as you book a flight, hotel, car, or other reservation, simply forward it to, and we’ll automatically add it to your trip. Plus, bookings made with Concur Travel or TripLink travel partners will be added to your TripIt account for you.
With TripIt Pro, get a heads-up as things happen throughout your trip. In addition to the benefits of automatic itineraries and easier expense reports, you’ll receive helpful updates and reminders so you don’t miss a beat*:
To get started, click “connect” and follow the instructions to create an account or sign in. Then, download the TripIt app and start forwarding your confirmation emails to The TripIt mobile app is available in U.S. English, British English French, German, Spanish, and Japanese.
*You may receive complimentary access to TripIt Pro through your company. Click connect to TripIt to see if you’re eligible.
**Feature currently available for users based in the U.S.